Sunday, April 26, 2009

Evan and Corley

So the boys were playing the ds for hours sitting on the couch Evan kept having corley help him figure out certain parts. anyway corley dozed off about 2 min be for i started recording. Evan didn't realize he did that's what started this. I couldn't stop laughing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our best friends

Jade,Evan,Corley,maliya and last but not forgotten Haislye

They spend all day together and still cry when the day is done and they have to go home.

Friends and fun

To the best of friends!!!! To the fun filled days as a stay at home mom, to the fun we have already had, to the fun we are going to have all summer long.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The kids and I

We have way to much free time now that i don't work!!!!

Evan and Corley

Evan and Corley, best friends that can never be apart. Sleepover all the time, and playing all day everyday......

Bryan and Tabby

This is what happens when bryan can't find his wieght's.